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> Campfire Rings

MARKSTAAR offers the very finest commercial quality Campfire Rings, Firerings, Grate Free Campfire Rings And Cooksights.  Shop for RV Camfire Rings at for Campfire Rings and Fire Pits for commercial use in RV Parks, apartments, campsites, public parks, campgrounds, picnic areas and more! Grate Free Campfire Rings and Cooksites for public and residential use, MARKSTAAR offers excellent deals on Fire Rings, Grate Free Campfire Rings, charcoal grills and Campfire Cook Sites.

Click:  How to Build a Fire Pit
Watch Video:  How To Build A Fire Pit

A cozy place to gather friends and family on cool nights—create one in a weekend.

Accessible Campfire Ring

These Campfire Rings are designed to meet ADA guidelines for accessibility.

Campfire Ring Accessories

Add accessories to further customize your campfire ring.

FA Series Campfire Rings

These Campfire Rings feature the original infinitely adjustable cooking grate.

FS Series Campfire Rings

These Campfire Rings feature a single-level cooking grate.

FSW Series Campfire Rings

These Campfire Rings feature a swivel cooking grate.

FSWS Series Stainless Steel Campfire Rings

This Campfire Ring features a swivel cooking grate and a STAINLESS STEEL ring.

FX Series Campfire Rings - NO GRATE

Same steel firering, but does not have a cooking grate.

FXS Series Stainless Steel Campfire Ring - NO GRATE

This STAINLESS STEEL Campfire Ring does not have a cooking grate.

L-32 Multi-Level Campfire Ring

This Campfire Ring features a cooking grate that can be adjusted to 4 levels.

O-34 Large Group Campfire RIng

This Campfire Ring offers a cooking grate on one side and an area just for a campfire.

High Fire Ring with Grate

300 square inches of cooking area



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High Fire Ring with Adjustable Grate

280 square inches of cooking area



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Campfire Ring Cover

Protect Your Campfire Ring from the elements when not in use.

Drop in Grate for Campfire Ring

Removeable Cooking Grate for Fire Rings and Fire Pits.  Available in Steel or Stainless Steel.

Campfire Cooksite-26" Dia.(FA-26/7/T*)

This SMALLER Campfire Ring features an infinitely adjustable cooking grate.

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Campfire Cooksite- 30" Dia.(FA-30)

This Campfire Ring features an infinitely adjustable cooking grate and THREE side height choices.

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FA-30/18 Campfire Ring

This TALLER Firering features the infinitely adjustable cooking grate.

Clean out Shovel for Campfire Ring

Clean out ashes and coals from your campfire ring with ease!

Campfire Ring - 26" Dia (FS-26/7/T*)

This Campfire Ring offers a 24" inside diameter with a single level cooking grate.

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Campfire Ring - 30" Dia (FS-30)

This Campfire Ring offers an inside diameter of 30" with three options for side heights.

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Accessible Campfire Ring (FS-30/18/PA)

This ADA complaint Campfire Ring features a single level cooking grate.  16-7/8" sides

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Accessible Campfire Ring (FS-30/24/PA)

This ADA complaint Campfire Ring features a single level cooking grate.  23-3/8" sides

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Campfire Ring - 48" Dia (FS-48/*/**)

This Campfire Ring offers a 46" inside diameter with a single level cooking grate.

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Campfire Ring - 56" Dia (FS-56/*/**)

This Campfire Ring offers a 54" inside diamter with a single level cooking grate.

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Double Walled Campfire Ring (FSDW-30/18/TB)

This Campfire Ring features a double wall design.

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FSW-26/18 Accessible Campfire Ring

This ADA compliant Campfire Ring offers a 24" inside diameter and swivel cooking grate.

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FSW-26/7 Campfire Ring

This Campfire Ring offers a 24" inside diameter with a swivel cooking grate.

FSW-30 Accessible Campfire Ring

This ADA compliant Campfire Ring offers a 30" inside diameter and swivel cooking grate.

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FSW-30 Campfire Ring with Swivel Grate

This Campfire Ring offers a 30" inside diameter with a swivel cooking grate.

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FSW-48 Campfire Ring with Swivel Grate

This Campfire Ring offers a 46" inside diameter with a swivel cooking grate.

FSW-56 Campfire Ring with Swivel Grate

This Campfire Ring offers a 54" inside diameter with a swivel cooking grate.

FSWDW-30 Campfire Ring

This ADA compliant Campfire Ring features a double-wall design for added heat protection.

FWSW-30 Accessible Stainless Steel Campfire RIng

This ADA compliant Campfire Ring features a swivel cooking grate and a STAINLESS STEEL ring.

Grate-Free Campfire Ring - 26" Dia. (FX-26/7)

No Grate on this Firering but offers 24" inside diameter and one side height.

Grate-Free Campfire Ring - 30" Dia. (FX-30/*)

No Grate on this Firering but offers 30" inside diameter and 3 options for side heights.

Grate Free Campfire Ring - 18-inch Tall

No Grate on this Firering but offers 30" inside diameter and a TALLER side height.

*** Click Below For Product Specifications:
Grate-Free Campfire Ring - 48" Dia. (FX-48/*)

Markstaar began working with This Old House many years to build your own fire pit.  Do it yourself fire pits ranging in sizes from 30 inches to 56 inches.  Markstaar and This Old House make it so easy to build your own home fire pit ring and fire ring of fire.

No Grate on this Firering, but offer 46" inside diameter and 3 options for side heights.

Grate-Free Campfire Ring - 56" Dia. (FX-56/*)

No Grate on this Firering, but offers 54" inside diameter and 3 options for side heights.

FXS Series Stainless Steel Campfire Ring - NO GRATE

This STAINLESS STEEL Campfire Ring does not have a cooking grate.

Multilevel Campfire Ring (L-32)

This Campfire Ring features a cooking grate that can be adjusted to 4 levels.

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LDW-36/18 Accessible Campfire Ring

This ADA compliant Campfire Ring features a double-wall design with a mult-level cooking grate.

Multilevel Accessible Campfire Ring (M-32/17/PA)

This ADA compliant Campfire Ring features a 30" inside diameter with a multilevel cooking grate.

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Large Group Campfire Ring (O-34)

This Campfire Ring offers a cooking grate on one side and an area just for a campfire.

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